Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Kindergarten Fashion

So, kindergarteners sure take notice of earrings, boots, etc. It reminds me of last year when I had a student comment on my trendy rainboots. "I just LOOOVE your boots," she gushed. "Why thank you," I responded, "Don't you have some that are similar?" This girl's affectations were exact replicas of her surburban soccer mom, as she she placed one hand on her hip threw the other in the air. "Oh, yes. I just LOOVE to accessorize, don't you?"
In a middle class school, many of my students arrive in some outfits I envy and many arrive odd assortment of flown together pieces. One student in particular comes up with the most bizarre outfits resembling Madonna cirque 1983. I understand the importance of allowing a child the freedom to dress herself, but where did she even get these pieces to work with?
Still, I was caught off guard today when a student, "Marlin," randomly stated, "I like you way more than my mom."
In my mind: Huh? Aren't you being punished right now because you didn't do your work? Shouldn't you NOT like me?
Marlin: "I like you because you are more prettier than her."
My head: Oh please don't tell her that.
Marlin: "She has goosebumps."
Obviously the fatal flaw.

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