Saturday, January 24, 2009


The student who began as my most challenging has become one of my favorites. "Anna", started off the first day by making loud rumbling noises as I attempted to read "The Bernstein Bears." I quickly realized she could not quite control these sounds despite her classmates (and my) shocked faces. I don't have a large experience with autism, but know enough to recognize that this girl is textbook. However, no family member seems to have this same revelation. So, I struggled my first two months with this child who reads and writes at a 2nd grade level, but punches and kicks like the neighborhood bully.
After numerous meetings including the principal, school facilitators, and mom, some sort of revelation took place. Since she ended up in the principal's office every other day, I was beginning to worry I was either a bother to the office staff or that she would just be sent home. I implemented a "star" system on her desk, where she had a visual of each day. If she followed directions and did her assignments, she would recieve a star. Five stars equalled a popsicle (BIG reward). This has been harder than expected...but is working.
Since this, Anna's problems with her classmates have evolved. Now everyone seems to complain that Anna keeps whispering in random ears, "I love you" and attempts to kiss....anyone. I have a hard time not acknowledging, "Well, at least she didn't punch you!" despite the boundaries she is infringing on. We talked about appropriate touch and she responded with the acute phrase, "I'll ask before I kiss." Good deal. The other day, she stood up and kissed my cheek infront of the class, then turned around and giggled in her hand, "I just kissed THE TEACHER." Oh, Anna.
There are many more to come with this character.

1 comment:

  1. Klaree!
    This is great! I can now know about your "adventures" in teaching kindergarten. Keep the stories coming.
    Love Ya [can I say this on a blog?? new to this]
