Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine Flu

I'm fairly convinced I've carried Swine Flu to Washington and infected my entire class. I've had a fever over 100 for three days now and my class was down to 50% on Monday. Tuesday resulted in a child coughing so hard that vomit came shooting out of his mouth. I am not a mother, I don't handle this kind of stuff well. This coming after Chloe, for the third time this month, had an accident in class...and I'm not referring to wetting her pants.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Class Picture Day

I was working with a student the other day when I noticed the first gray hair...on him! Am I stressing out 6 year olds so bad that they are going gray already??
My favorite excitement lately has been the crazy Anna. She has developed a fascination with various body parts of mine. There was a week of kissing my behind ("Anna! That is NOT appropriate!"), then a week of loudly announcing "I'm staring at your boobies!", and now this week she has moved onto her own. It is class picture day and I notice the photographer struggling to give directions as Anna is taking off her shirt.
Me- "Anna! Put your shirt down!"
Anna- "But I have a mole on my tummy! I mean, my chest!"
Me thinking- Her nipple?
Me- "Anna, do you want to be in this picture? Then you need to follow directions."
Anna- (grudgingly) "Fine."
Then the photographer instructs everyone to keep their hands at their sides. Anna's hands promptly shoot straight up in the air.
Anna- "What about the tallest one? I think her hands should go like this!"
It's going to be a great photo.