Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ramblings of Anna

Anna...I really don't know what I'll do without her next year.
First off, our counselor comes into the classroom to talk about feelings. The counselor is Nigerian, so English is not her first language. When she asks the class about different feelings they might have, Anna answers, "stoked." This thoroughly confuses the counselor who, after several requests to repeat the word, finally just asks for a definition. " means very, very excited." What kindergartener doesn't have this in their repetoire?
Secondly, she bonks heads with a classmate and produces the fakest tears I have ever seen. I start to dismiss her with a, "well, at least you have a hard head!" She responds with her typical textbook vocabulary: "It's because my skull is in there....that keeps my brain from getting smushed." It's more than I learned in college anatomy.

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